Development Timeline of Mobile Applications

Creating any mobile application requires considerable effort. It's the cumulative time of designers, managers, developers, and testers. Not all of these specialists work simultaneously, so it's essential to organize their interaction properly.

The development timeline of a mobile application must be carefully planned and adapted to the working characteristics of each employee, considering the specifics of their tasks. Whoever handles the planning must have a good understanding of software production to achieve the set goals within the established deadlines. In this article, you will learn about the key aspects of development and understand project implementation timelines.

Average Time for Creating Applications

The time required to create a mobile application depends on many factors, but, roughly, the following categories can be distinguished:

  • Simple Applications. These perform basic functions, such as a notepad, calculator, to-do list, etc. Such mobile applications have a simple interface and controls. They are designed for Android and iOS. The project's duration usually ranges from 1 to 3 months.
  • Moderately Complex Applications. These mobile applications have a broader set of features and integration with various services and networks. They can be developed for iOS and Android platforms. The development period ranges from 3 to 6 months.
  • Complex Applications. These are multifunctional mobile applications such as messengers, banking clients, and games. They have a complex user interface and a large set of functions. The development time for such applications is 6-12 months.

The mentioned application creation timelines are approximate as they may vary depending on the specifics of each project. The more features a mobile application has, the more time it takes to develop specific elements. A development team with several years of experience can accomplish certain tasks much faster and more efficiently.

To estimate development timelines, it is important to create a comprehensive technical assignment for the project, describing all the requirements for the future application. It is also necessary to plan the roles and sequence of work for each specialist to complete everything on time while maintaining the required quality. Various tools can be used to assess the project, including Worksection, Asana, Wrike, and others, which help with documentation and planning all stages of development.

Factors Affecting Complexity and Development Time

There are various factors that determine how much time it will take to create a mobile application. Among them are:

  • Functionality. The more features a software product has for users, the more time it takes to develop, and the project's cost increases.
  • User Interface Design. Creating complex designs requires the development team a significant amount of time. This is a relative indicator because a good complex design requires a visual understanding of how all interface elements will work. The more technically complex the design, the more time it takes to implement it at a high level.
  • Platforms. Developing for multiple platforms takes longer. Even for cross-platform applications, separate code needs to be written. Increasing the codebase also increases development time.
  • Development Team. A team with several years of experience can shorten the development time, but the cost of creating the application also increases. It is essential to understand that suitable specialists need to be selected responsibly and professionally for specific tasks. Some tasks can be distributed among several employees, while others are better entrusted to one person. It is essential to find a balance between professionalism, experience, and the implementation of specific functionality, which also affects the development time of the mobile application.
  • Integrations. The need for additional services and APIs increases the development time and cost of the application. It is not always clear what a specific service entails. Even when considering proven services, there is always a risk of having to make changes to the project due to updates. Therefore, possible risks should be taken into account at the early stages of development.

Unforeseen factors can also affect the speed and quality of work on the software product. The more comprehensive and well-thought-out the technical assignment, the less time it takes to develop the software product. Proper management helps reduce the time it takes to create a mobile application and optimize the cost of implementation.

Stages of Working on an Application

There are several stages involved in creating a mobile application. Each stage requires careful planning and a professional approach from the development team. The team must always maintain communication to quickly resolve any difficulties that arise and respond to any changes in the project.

Analysis and Research

The analysis and research stage is usually one of the most important and time-consuming parts of mobile application development. The duration of this stage can vary depending on factors such as project complexity, data availability, and the development team's experience.

On average, this stage of application development can take from several weeks to several months. During this time, the development team conducts market research and competitor analysis, identifies the needs and preferences of the target audience, and defines the key requirements and goals that the application should address.

Prototyping and Design

The timeframe for creating a prototype of the application varies depending on factors such as design complexity, number of screens, presence of animations, and more. To create a prototype, it may take from several weeks to several months.

Frontend and Backend Development

Frontend and backend development of a mobile application are crucial stages that involve creating the user interface and working on the server-side. To create a functioning product, it takes several months to a year. Often, work on both parts is conducted concurrently by the development team to shorten the app's production time and enter the market sooner.

Testing and Bug Fixing

The timeframe for the testing and bug-fixing stage in mobile application development can also vary depending on factors such as the application's size, complexity, number of features, and available testing resources. Typically, this stage takes from several weeks to months before launching the application to the market.

Publishing on App Store and Google Play

The timeframe for publishing a mobile application on the App Store and Google Play is mostly influenced by the app stores' review process. Since the App Store and Google Play have different review regulations, publication times vary. Additionally, the more complex the application, the longer it takes to pass the publication review. Therefore, it is recommended to release functionality gradually to avoid spending time waiting for approval.

Why Development Might Take Longer?

Creating a mobile application is a process that involves many different stages to achieve set goals. In some cases, it may take more time due to reasons such as:

  • Changes in requirements
  • Functionality complexity
  • Updates to planned development tools
  • Resource changes
  • Lengthy publication due to deviations from App Store and Google Play requirements

To create a truly high-quality mobile application, it requires long-term work by a dedicated development team and risk assessment during development. If risks are not considered during the planning stage, there is a greater likelihood of development delays or attempts to complete it in the shortest time possible, disregarding quality.


Creating a mobile application is a complex process consisting of several stages. Planning and requirements analysis play a crucial role in the initial stages of application development. Resource availability, the experience of the development team, and the application's complexity can significantly impact development timelines.

Effective planning and project management help reduce costs, ensuring a quick release of the mobile application to the market. It's crucial for developers to closely monitor quality and consider potential threats to achieve desired results.