1. Results of the year 2020. How pandemic affected small and medium-sized businesses.

In 2020, most businesses switched to providing services online. For some, this is a big loss and inconvenience, but many have found new opportunities here.

Some believed that the transfer of activities to online will lead to the loss of customers, because there will be no direct interaction with the client, and as a result, mutual trust and sympathy that arise from verbal contact. Others did not want to do this at all, because many people are conservative and do not easily accept new trends. Despite all these obstacles, the situation forced most businesses to switch to creating and improving their websites and mobile applications, registering their company on the online platforms 
of large retailers, participating in partner programs from large suppliers, and much more where imagination is the limit.

2. What tools help online platforms increase conversion.

The transition of most businesses to online platforms led to an increase in competition on the Internet, and marketers began to look for new tools to influence the consumer, to attract and retain him.

Contextual advertising, advertising in social networks, cold calls, SMS notification, collection of analytical data on geolocation and time, referral and bonus systems, customer notification system by mail, push notifications and much more. Despite the fact that the tools listed above have already been popular for 10 years on existing online platforms, they are still used everywhere by all owners of websites and applications.

People are no longer so annoyed by incoming SMS and emails about seasonal sales and promotions, and access to geolocation looks natural and necessary for the delivery of your product.

All these tools certainly work in practice, but 2020 touched not only the business environment. The priorities and interests of the buyer changed, which led to a different attitude in spending.

It has long been no secret that games are the most affordable, and therefore popular entertainment, so it would be a big omission for marketers not to use this wonderful tool to attract and retain customers. Gamification is not just adding any game to your platform, this is a tool that allows you to train customers for your service, have contests with prizes from your company, earn points, with the addition of a competitive element in multiplayer mode, and much more.

This marketing technique is used mainly by large companies whose main goal is to retain existing and attract new customers by providing them with a wide range of services and entertainment on their online platforms.

3. Advantages of the Gamification tool.

Let`s list advantages of Gamification:

  • The game makes it easier to learn the necessary information;
  • Integration of the game on any service takes place modularly, which means quickly and without interfering with your overall system;
  • Improves the client's mood, encouraging them to continue using your platform;
  • Allows you to put already known marketing tools in an attractive shell, more natural for people;

And much more.

However, this tool is not integrated into all websites and mobile applications, this gives an advantage to those businesses that will use it now.

4. As an example of where we have already implemented Gamification.

We have successfully integrated this tool into 3 of our major projects:

  1. A website and mobile application of the loyalty system for customers of the Largest Eastern European Bank. In this application, games allow you to earn exchange points and bonuses. And also, the system of daily tasks allows not only to receive special prizes, but also contributes to the daily organic visit of the mobile application by the client.

  2. Chip-In is a Singaporean mobile application for organizing interest groups, collecting finances for general purposes, and advertising their products and promotions for businesses. In this application, slots are integrated, in which more than 100 people can take part, divided into teams of 5 people. Due to the ability of application to hold tournaments with business products as prizes, the application is able to hold up to 1000 people at a time in an average of 5 minutes.

  3. MDS is a mobile application based on the English language textbook for Japanese schools. It integrates 30 games that allow you to work out all the exercises of this app. And as you know, the game+sound=easy assimilation of the material. Just an excellent tool kit.

In addition to what we have managed to do, there are already a lot of similar examples in the world among platforms from mobile operators, restaurants, auto enterprises, financial sectors, event platforms and many other business areas.

And on the last note let me wish you a speedy development of all your available possibilities, that will lead your business to success.